Blogrimage 2013 Day 1: Typos in LDAP module

3/4/2013 in Drupal by micah

Contributing patches to Drupal does not need to be a complicated process. For today's patches in my #1day1patch and #blogrimage challenge, I touched on a couple of simple typos.


Blogrimage 2013 Kick-off

3/4/2013 in Drupal by micah

There's nothing like waiting until the last minute to get started on something, but when I woke up this morning, I finally picked a challenge for my 30-day blogrimage.

The annual blogrimage was started by Pradeepan Jeeva and his friends in 2010. In its first three years, over 60 people participated by simply selecting a 30-day personal challenge and blogging about it each day. This year, over 100 people will participate.


Adding fake Drupal 7 node fields with custom theme functions

1/12/2013 in Drupal by micah

This example takes the node creation date and renders it as a fake field. It also creates a theme_mysite_pseudo_field() function that could be used as a template for any renderable array.


Drupal 7 Render Array Snippets

12/20/2012 in Drupal by micah

Drupal 7 contains some incredibly powerful functionality in things like Render Arrays, Entity and Field APIs, etc. However, the actual details of these things are next to impossible to find. Especially difficult are specific examples and lists of available options. The more time I spend developing in Drupal 7, the more time I spend digging through code that I've already written trying to find a snippet that took me hours to find or figure out the first time I used it. I'm starting a short series of posts to document these items so I can find them more quickly.


Override Drupal 7 taxonomy display by vocabulary

12/8/2012 in Drupal by micah

I've had a couple of cases recently where I've wanted to use views to override the output of taxonomy/term/%taxonomy_term on a site, but this can be tricky if you want to use different views for one or more specific vocabularies. Normally, you'd just enable the delivered Taxonomy Term view and modify it as needed for the site, and presumably that's how Drupal 8 will work by default with Views in Core. I've looked briefly at the Taxonomy Views Integrator module, but quite frankly, this task falls under customization for a specific site, so why not just customize for the site?


Clear image size attributes in Drupal 7

12/8/2012 in Drupal by micah

The default behavior when rendering images in Drupal 7 is to include the height and width tags on images. This causes problems for responsive design, where we want to set these attributes in css, if at all. There's a historic reason why Drupal 7 includes these tags by default. It was removed at one point, and put back in, although I can't find the actual issue numbers right now.


State of Drupal 2011 survey

8/8/2011 in Drupal by micah

I just finished taking the State of Drupal 2011 survey, and if you use Drupal in any way, you should, too. I thought I'd share some of my responses here, where I can also expand on them without getting too long-winded for a survey.

Drupal core provides stability. Drupal contrib provides agility. Core development should focus on building a well-written, reliable, secure platform with critical APIs that everyone can use. Contrib can extend core in many directions. Distributions, install profiles, and - more importantly - good cookbooks and tutorials can alleviate potential confusion about what contrib modules can work together to build great sites.


Creating a Simple Link List with CCK and Views

9/17/2008 in Drupal by micah

Note: I've updated this tutorial for Drupal 6 in this post on the Geeks and God website.


Simple hook_form_alter Module for Drupal 5

9/17/2008 in Drupal by micah

Note: I've updated this tutorial for Drupal 6 in this post on the Geeks and God website.

This example "mysite" module demonstrates hook_form_alter. There is a lot of good info out there about hook_form_alter, but I found very few examples that put all of the pieces of custom module creation together in such a simple way as this.

