3/27/2014 in Pathfinder RPG by micah
I am Nakmor Kryyg. I was there at the Urdnot Camp with the others from the Kraddack Wastes who came to form an alliance between Clan Nakmor and Clan Urdnot. We were there at the camp when Urdnot Grunt, tank-born, fought with his alien krannt in the Rite of Passage and slayed the thresher maw. I know how Shepherd and Urdnot Grunt went with the salarian to stop Weyrloc Guld from his madness. It was then that I knew I must leave Tuchanka and make a new life among the stars. I must leave behind the fools who accompanied me during my Rite, and find a new krannt among the aliens.
3/26/2014 in Pathfinder RPG by micah
Last week, I mentioned that I've purchased the Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook in PDF form. I decided during play on Saturday that I really want to get the hardcover edition sometime. Even though it's a bit pricey, there's no better way to find things in a hurry than to just pick up the book and (eventually) let muscle memory in your fingers zip right to the correct pages. Searching in iBooks, on the other hand, is a rather hit-or-miss proposition.
3/26/2014 in Pathfinder RPG by micah
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3/25/2014 in Pathfinder RPG by micah
"For which of you, intending to build a tower, does not sit down first and count the cost, whether he has enough to finish it—lest, after he has laid the foundation, and is not able to finish, all who see it begin to mock him, saying, ‘This man began to build and was not able to finish’? Or what king, going to make war against another king, does not sit down first and consider whether he is able with ten thousand to meet him who comes against him with twenty thousand?" Luke 14:28-31 NKJV
3/24/2014 in Pathfinder RPG by micah
So the plan for tonight was to take it easy, not really do much game-related, and spend some time writing a nice post from two ideas I had last night that would have made this really easy to complete. Instead, when I got home, I started copying character sheets until I was too sleepy to do anything really creative or productive, so now I can't really even find a decent MacGuffin to propel the plot forward on tonight's post.
3/23/2014 in Pathfinder RPG by micah
Looking back over the first three weeks of this blogrimage, it's amazing to see how far we've come from my initial idea of just introducing my teenagers to tabletop roleplaying games by maybe playing through a couple of short adventures to becoming total Pathfinder RPG nerds trying to decide whether or not to roll up additional characters so we can play in multiple campaigns.
3/22/2014 in Pathfinder RPG by micah
We had our first epic marathon session of Pathfinder RPG tonight. A friend from work and his wife came out to play this afternoon, and our session lasted about seven hours. Almost two hours of that were taken up with generating characters. It was the first time I'd created characters using the full ruleset, and I was unfamiliar with one of the races (halfling) and both of the classes (alchemist and bard).
3/21/2014 in Pathfinder RPG by micah
I didn't get home until late tonight, but before I went straight to work on finishing preparations for tomorrow's game, the family sat down and had a short metagame discussion so I could follow up with everybody on some mistakes I made in last week's play (inconsequential, but worth talking about) and to cover some rules we couldn't find during actual play time.
3/20/2014 in Pathfinder RPG by micah
For the first time since I started this blogrimage, I'm feeling like I'm running out of time to prepare for our Pathfinder RPG game session on Saturday. I was working on it last night, but the power went out three times, and that's tough when you're trying to research things on the computer.
3/19/2014 in Pathfinder RPG by micah
Back before I started the blogrimage, and before I discovered the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, I started poking around the internet looking for resources. One of the things I looked for was a character generator, because I figured I'd need one to create nonplayer characters, and I've always been intrigued by good NPCs in general.