I'm creating this second-level character for Troubles in Otari. Voss is an aiuvarin (half-elf) rogue from the slums of Absalom who has joined a band of adventurers, not for fame and glory, but for cash that might buy a warm bed and a hot meal for once.

Ancestry: Human

  • Ability Boost: DEX, CHA
  • 8hp
  • Size: Medium
  • Speed: 30
  • Languages: Common, Goblin
  • Heritage: Auivarin
    • Gain the elf trait, the aiuvarin trait, and low-light vision.
  • Ancestry Feat:
    • Nimble Elf
      • Speed +5

Background: Child of the Puddles

  • Ability Boost: DEX, CHA
  • Skill: Trained in acrobatics
  • Skill Feat: Steady Balance
  • Lore: Absalom Lore

Free Ability Boosts

  • STR
  • INT
  • WIS
  • CHA

Class: Rogue

  • Key Ability: DEX
  • 8hp + 0CON
  • Perception: Expert
  • Saving throws: Fort - T, Ref - E, Will - E
  • Trained Skills:
    • Trained in Stealth
    • Trained in Thievery
    • Trained in a number of additional skills equal to 7 plus your Intelligence modifier
    • Athletics
      • Crafting
    • Deception
    • Intimidation
    • Medicine
    • Performance
    • Society
    • Survival
  • Weapons:
    • Trained in simple weapons, rapier, sap, shortbow, shortsword
    • Trained in unarmed attacks
  • Armor:
    • Trained in light armor
    • Trained in unarmored defense
  • Class features
    • Racket: Thief
    • Sneak Attack 1d6
      • vs flat-footed with finesse or ranged
    • Surprise Attack
      • If you roll Deception or Stealth, creatures who have not acted are flat-footed.
  • Class feat: Trap Finder


  • Explorer's Clothing
  • Leather Armor +1 (Cap 4)
  • Adventurer's Pack
    • backpack, bedroll, 10 pieces of chalk, flint and steel, 50 feet of rope, 2 weeks' rations, soap, 5 torches, and a waterskin.
  • Tindertwig (2)
  • Healer’s Tools
  • Daggers (2) 1d4 P (Agile, Finesse, Thrown 10 ft., Versatile S)
  • Rapier 1d6 P (Deadly d8, Disarm, Finesse)
  • Shortbow 1d6 P (Range 60, Deadly d10)
  • Arrows (10)
  • Sap 1d6 B (Agile, Non-Lethal)
  • Thunderstone (Lesser) (Alchemical, Bomb, Consumable, Sonic, Splash)
  • Healing Potion (Minor / 1d8)
  • 8.5 gp

Level 2 (Current)

Level 3 (Planned)

Level 4

Level 5

Ability boosts provide retroactive increases to hit points and known skills as defined here.

  • 8hp + 1CON + 4
  • Ability boosts: STR, DEX, CON, CHA
  • Ancestry feat: General Training
  • Class feature: Weapon Tricks
  • Skill Increase: (TBD)
  • Skill Feat: Alchemical Crafting