The first installment of "let me tell you about my character" is my current Pathfinder 2E character, Alexei Vantu, a Nidalese human Sorceror/Monk. (The main reason I'm posting here is because I want to ability to keep revisions on this information.)

Alexei is a naturally gifted sorcerer who tries to convince himself and everyone else that he's a monk. Forced into following Zon-Kuthon by his early life in Nidal, Alexei has the nihilistic belief that pain is sacred, suffering is joy, and (as a result) hope is dangerous. He believes that any death is a good death, as long as it is either honorable or just, but he does not revel in unnecessary or wasteful killing, and will protect his own life as long as he feels his purpose is incomplete. Alexei is fascinated by all forms of intricate craftsmanship or functional artistry.

Ancestry: Human (Nidalese)

  • Ability Boost: CHA, DEX
  • 8HP
  • Size: Medium
  • Speed: 25
  • Languages: Common, Shadowtongue (Nidalese grants access)
  • Traits: Human, Humanoid
  • Heritage: Versatile Heritage (Gain one additional General Feat)
    • Toughness - Increase your maximum Hit Points by your level. The DC of recovery checks is equal to 9 + your dying condition value.
  • Ancestry Feat: Gloomseer - You gain low-light vision.

Background: Martial Discipline

  • Ability Boost: DEX, CHA
  • Skill: Trained in Acrobatics
  • Skill Feat: Cat Fall
  • Lore: Warfare Lore

Free Ability Boosts

  • STR
  • DEX
  • CON
  • CHA

Class: Sorceror (Imperial)

  • Trait: Sorceror
  • Key Ability: CHA
  • 6HP + CON + Toughness
  • Perception: Trained
  • Saving throws: Fort - T, Ref - T, Will - E
  • Trained Skills (3 + INT): Intimidation, Society, Stealth
  • Weapons:
    • Trained in simple weapons
    • Trained in unarmed attacks
  • Armor:
    • Trained in unarmored defense
  • Bloodline: Imperial
    • Spell list: Arcane
    • Trained Skills: Arcana, Society
    • Granted Spells
      • Cantrip: detect magic;
      • 1st: magic missile;
      • 2nd: dispel magic;
      • 3rd: haste;
      • 4th: dimension door;
      • 5th: prying eye;
      • 6th: disintegrate;
      • 7th: prismatic spray;
      • 8th: maze;
      • 9th: prismatic sphere
    • Bloodline Spells
    • Blood Magic
      • A surge of ancestral memories grants you or one target a +1 status bonus to skill checks for 1 round.
  • Cantrips known (4 + granted):
    • detect magic (granted)
    • chill touch (Fort, 1d4+1 cold) heightened: 2
    • dancing lights
    • mage hand
    • telekinetic projectile (ranged attack, 2d6+4) heightened: 2;
  • 1st level spells known (2 + granted):
    • magic missile (granted)
    • fear
    • mage armor


  • clothing (ordinary) (monk's robes) 1sp
  • adventurer's pack 7sp
  • bandolier 1sp
  • caltrops (2) 6sp
  • sheath 1cp
  • dagger 2sp
  • crossbow 30sp
  • 10 bolts 1sp

Level 2

  • 6HP + CON + Toughness
  • Class Feat: Monk Dedication
    • Traits: Multiclass, Dedication, Multiclass
    • Trained in unarmed attacks
    • Powerful fist class feature
    • Trained in Acrobatics or Athletics (or alternate, if already trained): Acrobatics
  • Skill Feat: Intimidating Glare
  • 1st level known spell (1):
    • grim tendrils

Level 3

  • 6HP + CON + Toughness
  • General Feat: Untrained Improvisation
  • Skill Increase: Performance (T)
  • Signature Spells:
    • grim tendrils (2)
  • 2nd level known spells (granted + 2)
    • dispel magic (granted)
    • darkvision (1 hour)
    • telekinetic maneuver (30ft, Disarm, Shove, or Trip, spell roll instead of Athletics)

Level 4 (Current Level)

Level 5 (Planned)

Ability boosts provide retroactive increases to hit points and known skills as defined here.

  • 6HP + CON + Toughness
  • Ability Boosts:
    • STR (14)
    • DEX (18)
    • INT (12)
    • WIS (12)
  • Ancestry Feat: Darkseer (gains darkvision)
  • Magical Fortitude (E)
  • Skill increase (retroactive): Stealth (E)
  • Skill Increase: Performance (E)
  • 3rd level known spells (granted + 2)
    • haste (granted)
    • ?
    • ?
  • Readjust signature spells

Level 6

Level 7

  • 6HP + CON + Toughness
  • Skill Increase: Stealth (M)
  • General Feat: Foil Senses or Swift Sneak
  • Expert Spellcaster (Increase proficiency to expert)
  • 4th level known spells (granted + 2)
    • dimension door (granted)
    • ?
    • ?
  • Readjust signature spells

Level 8

Level 9

Level 10

  • 6HP + 2 CON + 10 CON + Toughness
  • Ability Boosts:
    • STR (16)
    • DEX (19)
    • CON (14)
    • CHA (19)
  • Class Feat: Shadow Sneak Attack