So today marks the thirtieth day of the Blogrimage, and I am nowhere close to having completed thirty posts. Nor am I satisfied with my progress on my blogrimage projects. Getting sick definitely hampered my efforts, but there's also the fact that my overall busyness makes it difficult to take on new projects.

I will say that my efforts were not in vain. I will continue the work I started on Drupal 8 contrib. Without contrib, migration to Drupal 8 will be difficult, and the amount of work to be done is massive, and it won't be easy. It's crucial that site builders start testing with Drupal 8 now, especially site migrations, in order to expose problems early, thus shortening the development cycle.

As for the Blogrimage content aggregation site, I'll continue to work with Pradeepan through the year to bring together the existing body of work and to be better prepared for next year. Deciding to start that site the day before the Blogrimage just didn't offer enough time to get things up and running. I'll work on getting the imports working and on building submission guidelines for those who want their sites to be included next year.

So congrats to all who successfully completed their Blogrimage. It's been fun reading all of the posts, and I'm looking forward to participating again next year.
